HomeLifestyle BlogArticleHow White Noise Can Help You and Baby Sleep Better

How White Noise Can Help You and Baby Sleep Better

It is easy for parents to think that sleeping well with a baby is just an elusive dream. As parents, we often suffer from exhaustion due to our baby’s ever-changing sleep patterns. A study even revealed that parents lost over 6 years of sleep during a baby’s first year!

However, this doesn’t mean you need to ride it out without having any tricks from the bag. In fact, there are some things you can do to help improve your baby’s sleep, while hopefully keeping yourself sane during the infancy stage. Of these baby sleep strategies, one of the most effective things to do is playing static noise.

Wait, what? Noise for sleep?

Don’t get us wrong–it isn’t the kind of noise that will drive you nuts. Researchers discovered that there are certain levels of noises that babies like.


Why do babies love static noise?

Babies love this type of noise because these are the typical sounds they are used to while still in the womb. These are gentle, yet constant sounds inside the mother’s body such as the heartbeat, blood flow, and digestion movements.

Babies associate these noises with relaxation, therefore recreating these sounds outside the womb will help them sleep better. Additionally, it masks sudden noises that could unexpectedly disrupt sleep

There are actually three types of sounds that you can use for baby sleep, namely; white, pink, and brown noise.


How do these sounds help in sleep?

First, let’s define these noises according to category:

  • White noise: This type of sound can be within the varying range of the spectrum, from high to low-frequency sounds. Although the types of these sounds can differ in frequencies, we often perceive them as louder than the two other noises.
  • Pink noise: These are sounds that are mostly balanced on the frequency spectrum, muffling the high frequencies but still maintaining a moderate level above the low frequencies.
  • Brown noise: These noises are comparable to the lower-frequency sounds in the natural environment. It can be defined as deep-sounding, sometimes appearing strong on certain intervals.

These types of constant noise helps people stay asleep, especially light sleepers. Babies who are sensitive to the new environment with novel sounds, as well as parents who have disrupted sleep patterns can all benefit from these types of sounds.

What natural sounds can be used to imitate these noises?

If it still seems all-too-technical for you, below are more concrete examples of natural sounds and their noise color counterparts:

White noise

Waterfall, gentle stream, unused frequency in the radio, “shushing” sound

Pink noise

Light to medium rainfall, leaves rustling, electric fan

Brown noise

Strong waves in the ocean, thunder sounds, large waterfall


What medical conditions disturb sleep and how can white, pink, and brown sounds help in sleep disturbances?

There are various health issues that can put a halt in a person’s peaceful sleep. For example, postpartum anxiety can lead to insomnia which prevents some moms from falling asleep even when they are tired. Others may suffer from tinnitus, or a hearing condition of persistent ringing in the ears.

Of course, other conditions may cause physical discomfort which makes sleeping a challenge than usual. Neurological disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems and even heartburn can make for a difficult shut-eye. For babies, growth spurts, teething, hunger, and changing sleeping patterns can turn them into light or interval sleepers especially during the night.

The type of noise that is suitable for you and your baby depends on what issue you’re trying to eliminate. Most people are comfortable with white noise, as this also masks sounds in varying ranges which can be disturbing when heard in total silence.

However, some people with hearing problems such as tinnitus may be uncomfortable with high-frequency static sounds. Thus, brown or pink noise may be a better choice to help in dulling out the painful pitch that others don’t want to hear.


What are the other purposes of static noise?

Static noise can also be used to help improve attention, focus and productivity. A study published in Behavioral and Brain Functions showed that some inattentive school children had improved performance when a static noise is played in the background.

Often, it is second nature to divert our attention to sudden changes of sound in the environment. Static noise can also mask these abrupt alterations, thereby facilitating better flow of work in tasks that require concentration.


What is the best sound for baby’s sleep?

There are studies that support how the white kind of noise is mostly preferred by babies, but the choice of sound color should be of a healthy compromise.

If you are a parent who suffers from a hearing condition and find white-colored noise a little uncomfortable, it is best to settle with pink or brown type of noise and see what variation your baby may sleep better with as well.

Below are some tips to help you get started in using static noise for sleep:

  • Find apps or noise machines that play a variety of sounds: If you’re still on the hunt for finding the best type of noise for you and your baby, you may download digital apps for static noise or choose a machine that has several options for white, pink, and brown type of sounds.
  • Start playing the sound when baby is sleepy, but not fully asleep: This will help lessen the challenges of transitioning from silence to having static noise. Additionally this trick can also help you form a positive sleep association for your baby, which will help them feel drowsy quickly when they hear the sound.
  • Note time differences during sleep or naps: When experimenting with sounds, you can take note of which ones help you and your baby sleep longer. Keep a list and tally for a week, and pick the best static noise which gives the maximum relaxation.

Sleep is gold for parents and babies alike. Having a full night’s rest is synonymous to acquiring better energy, focus, and mood. With the use of static noise, everyone can achieve a well-rested state–for a better health and well-being.